Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Opal Email Group Notification on the Elevators

Ha ha ha... hope i don't get penalize for this.

Since we have Sunway Top Management in our Opal Damansara Email Group,

I trust the won't mind us sharing this log in and email accessibility with the rest

of the residents of Opal Damansara.

We have actually given a stack to Rizal to stick on the Notice Board,

but that was like two weeks ago. Since the growing number of residents

are increasing each day, we thought we move forward and stuck the notices up.

So last nite when visiting Opal D, we just stuck it a visible places by the elevators.

*Did u know that we have only 4 elevators for 280 units? ... well now i know-la!*

If you have not signed up for the Email Group yet, enter your email in

the TOP RIGHT Corner of the webpage, OR

Send a Blank Email to : OpalDamansara-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

Opal Email Group1

We stuck a notification to the Email Group on the OUTSIDE of the elevator

Opal Email Group2

And we also stuck one on the INSIDE ... so people can read! :)

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