Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Lion Dance in Opal Damansara on 13 Feb 2008

This is coool Chinese New Year celebration!!

There will be a Lion Dance performance at Opal Damansara next Wednesday - 13 February 2008 at 4pm!!

Pity about the timing though, for those at work they would miss it!!

It will be held at the Swimming Pool area, and the Lion will be dancing its way to the Guard House, Main Lift Lobbies of Block A and Block B!!

:) Wishing all of u a HAPPY CNY!!

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No Throwing Rubbish!!

Whoops was rather embarassing to read this notice yesterday from Opal Management.

I wonder why people would do it? To throw rubbish off their balconies? Cos in the end it would either litter the balcony below or the floor/compound area of Opal Damansara. In the end we all live in this place and should be responsible to take care and ensure that our place of residence is always kept clean of all debris and rubbish!

Anyway ... i hope we don't need to receive any more notice like the one below again! Shy-only!!


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Friday, February 1, 2008

Lightings & Timing at Opal Damansara

We just received anotice from the Management of Opal asking the residents for the best time to swtich on and switch off the lights to minimize electricity consumption and thus conserve energy.

We'll use the Email Group and hopefully gather some valuable comments and feedback!!

If you did not join the Email group but would like to voice your comment, leave it here and I'll add it on to the email feedback.

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