Saturday, April 12, 2008

Rectification Works - Swimming Pool & Walkway

Yups, we received a second notice informing us residents that the Pool will be delayed until 15 April and the Walkway until 12 April 2008.

Here's a brief update based on the the walkaround we did today around the Opal facilities.



The entire pool is cordoned off with red and white strips.


Today, the pool was extremely DRY.

All the water has been sucked out and rectifcation was done.

IMAG0161 IMAG0165

Rectangular tiles that run alongside the pool has been changed.

You can see the coloring of the new tiles. The old and broken

ones were used as "weight" for the red/white cones.


Suprisingly a box of TILES for the pool was left by the poolside.

Guess the workers forgot about it.

IMAG0164 IMAG0162



The walkaway from the Carpark to Block A & B are also

undergoing some rectification.


The White & Black pebbles have all been removed.

In replacement, we can see cement being poured into the fillings.


Work is still not completed yet. Doubt that they can

finish the work by tomorrow, 12 April (as per the notice)


Lot of "fillings" are still empty and without cement.


I hope the steps on the walkway will be flatten too

so that you can walk straight and uninterrupted.

And it will be much easier to navigate a pram, a wheelchair,

a trolley or even a shopping basket. Let's see what comes out at the end.

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Thursday, April 3, 2008

Swimming Pool CLOSED 3 - 10 April 2008

Oh No!! The pool will be "out of order" for one week, starting tomorrow 3 April until 10 April (next Thursday).

The notice states that the Opal Management is doing rectification works on the pool and hope to open the pool before the 10th of April 2008.

So chill everyone .... no swimming for a week :(

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