Friday, August 3, 2007

Nice Aircond Insulation

Thanks to Kevin Tan, here are some pictures of a residence of Opal Damansara concealing their Aircond foam pipes.

As u know Sunway Management has already pre-planned where all the air-conds should be placed. A special ledge that's behind the Masterbedroom toilet has been allocated for all the air-conditioner's condensers.

Take a gooooooood look at the below picture, by concealing the air-cond foam pipes, it really makes the place much much neater and nicer looking. Think about it ... perhaps its worth investing!! :)

3 - air-con foam pipe insulators concealed in conduits

Unit with the Aircond Foam Concealed - Vertical

4 - foam pipe insulators concealed in conduits

Unit with the Aircond Foam Concealed - Horizontal

2 - foam pipe insulators exposed

Unit where the Aircond Unit is not concealed

Photos : Courtesy of Kevin Tan

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1 comment:

Kevin said...

It will be nice if owners of units with conduits can let us know how much extra it costs.

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